DreamHouse Update: Friday, March 20, 2020

Aloha Families,

We hope this finds you safe and healthy during a challenging moment for our state, country, and world. It has been inspiring to see people pull together and support one another during these difficult moments, and I know we will emerge stronger because of it. Keep your head up.

Per our latest communication with the Charter Commission, Department of Education, and various interest groups, we know the following:

  • Spring Break (March 16 - 20)

  • Extended Spring Break (March 23 - 27)

    • Meal Service (Breakfast, Lunch) provided by a number of DOE schools, specifically Campbell HS & Kapolei HS in the Complex. Breakfast pick-up 7:30-8:00AM; lunch pick-up 11:30AM - 12:00PM.

    • No school.

    • Staff work virtually, remotely this week.

  • No school (March 30 - April 3)

    • No school.

    • Staff work virtually, remotely this week.

  • Staff return to DreamHouse school site on Monday, April 6

  • Students return to DreamHouse school site on Tuesday, April 7

As of today, Friday, March 20, the DreamHouse team is working on virtual and remote learning opportunities for our students. As of right now, we do not have a specific date, time, or finalized protocol to roll out this virtual/remote learning plan, but please know that we are working diligently on this. We will be in touch to update students, families, and the public as soon as more information becomes available. Please keep an eye on e-mail, the school website, and social media for up to date developments.

Please have a safe, healthy weekend with family and loved ones and we will be in touch next week.



DreamHouse Update: Tuesday, March 24, 2020


COVID-19 Update (Sunday, March 15, 2020)